To update your family record enter the Family member's name and click Search. Select the correct individual from the list presented and left click on him/her.

There are a large number of individuals in the Woodruff family with the same or similar names. Take care to ensure that you have selected the correct individual by examining the details of their record. Immediately below the name of the individual you have selected you will see a blue bar labelled Personal Facts and Details. The last option on that bar is labelled ALL. Click on this to display all the details about that individual. If you have enough information for a positive identification you can proceed to Quick update this person which you will see as clickable blue text under the family member's name. If you have the wrong individual simply click on Search for a Family Member on the left of the screen and start again.

Sometimes you just won't be sure that you have the right person. Please use the Help function on the Home Page and either Ask a Family Member or Contact Administrator. Everyone likes to help others track down family history.

All information you have added, deleted or changed will be submitted to the Administrator who will review and approve it or contact you to discuss any issues or questions he/she may have. Until the information is approved it will not appear on the site. If you would like to see the changes urgently please use Contact Administrator under Help on the Home Page which will send him/her an email.

Before updating any family records please take a moment to look at the FAQ - Updating Family Records. It's easy to make mistakes and to waste a lot of time and effort if you are not used to using the PHPGedview software platform on which this website is built.